Petaluma revela visión para la transformación del parque frente al río
El evento de revelación del plan para el Petaluma River Park contó con la colaboración de destacados expertos en diseño y medioambiente, incluidos CMG Landscape Architecture y Pruniske Chatham, Inc., además del equipo de liderazgo de la fundación.
Petaluma unveils vision for riverfront park transformation
That “concept plan,” developed after months of active community engagement last year — the “dream it” part of the process — is the next major step in transforming two pieces of once-neglected riverside property into a vibrant shared space designed with people, art and nature in mind.
Petaluma River Park’s ‘Dreamscapes Concert and Concept Plan Reveal’
On Saturday, March 1, from 2:30-5 p.m. at Hall of the Above (199 Petaluma Blvd. N.), Petaluma River Park leaders will pull back the curtain on plans for the future at the Dreamscapes Concert and Concept Plan Reveal.
A day trip to the past? This underrated North Bay town makes time travel possible
Today, Petaluma continues to offer a blend of historical charm and natural beauty. One of the key highlights is the Petaluma River Park, a restored riverfront area located just a block from the train station.
Healthy Petaluma awards $500,000 for youth wellness
In response to the continued difficulties that local adolescents confront in the post-COVID era, the Healthy Petaluma District and Foundation has awarded a grant of $500,000 to support the well-being of youth and young people in southern Sonoma County.
Danceable Data: Artist and Educator Kayatta
The Bohemian Journal has featured rapper, poet, and educator Kayatta as a key figure in the North Bay's hip-hop scene as an alternate approach that focus on community engagement and exploring the benefits of viewing art as data.
The Community Voice: Healthy Petaluma Foundation awards $500,000 in youth and young adult well-being grants
The Community Voice Journal has shared that Healthy Petaluma Foundation awards $500,000 in youth and young adult well-being grants, being the Petaluma River Park Foundation one of them.
Petaluma Argus-Courier: For Bay Area rapper Kayatta, Petaluma’s River Park project ‘Feels Like’ joy
The Petaluma Argus-Courier highlights Bay Area rapper, poet, producer, and educator Kayatta as part of the Petaluma River Park project and her latest work, “Feels Like”.
Petaluma Argus-Courier: Cool new shade structure at Petaluma River Park
The Petaluma Argus-Courier has spotlighted the unveiling of a striking new shade structure at Petaluma River Park. This installation not only provides a practical respite from the sun but also serves as a stunning piece of public art. Its innovative design has quickly transformed the park into what is being celebrated as Petaluma’s "Artiest Public Park."
LA PRENSA SONOMA: Revelarán últimos planes para Petaluma River Park
Los nuevos diseños para el parque “transformador” se lanzarán el 15 de julio; el grupo Kimzin Creative fue contratado por la fundación para incorporar arte e inclusión al proceso de planificación.
Petaluma Argus-Courier: Local group unveils latest plans for Petaluma River Park
The group’s latest announcement came this week, as a release invited residents to “share their thoughts and feedback through a survey on the foundation's website and in person at any of three exhibit locations: the foundation’s headquarters, the Petaluma Health Center, and the Petaluma Senior Center.” The locations will be open throughout August.
Petaluma River Park Foundation Unveils Draft Plans for Park Development & Invites Community Feedback
We have some exciting news! The Petaluma River Park Foundation is unveiling the draft plans for our future park in just a few weeks. After years of gathering community input and working with experts, we're thrilled to share the plans with you and continue to refine them with your input this summer.
Oyster Cove Update: June 2024
Early-phase construction has begun on the new Oyster Cove housing development at the River Park, off of D Street.
Petaluma River Park Welcomes Eco-Friendly Grazing with the Arrival of Sheep
Don't miss out on the amazing sight of sheep grazing at Petaluma River Park. Sheep are a delightful sight to see, and their grazing brings numerous benefits. Visit the park now through through May 11 to see the sheep!
Petaluma River Park Acquires 38 More Acres!
Big news! On January 8, 2024 the Petaluma River Park Foundation completed the purchase of a second riverfront property: 38-acres located at 500 Hopper Street in Petaluma.
Petaluma River Park Launches Dream It Video Series
In its inaugural video, Petaluma River Park's community engagement partner Nikko Kimzin of Kimzin Creative (@kimzincreative) shares a sneak peak into how we're working together with our community to envision a River Park for all.
Huru is Home!
Huru, 1984-85, a 38-foot-tall work of art made of steel and stainless steel by Mark di Suvero, is now at the Petaluma River Park. Huru was was on exhibit at Crissy Field in San Francisco, CA and is now back home in Petaluma, at the Petaluma River Park.
Huru & A New Shaded Gathering Area
Between September 25 and October 6, 2023, we will begin installing two new features at the River Park: A shaded, group picnic area near the old fence and an exciting new work of art, Huru by Mark di Suvero.
Meet the Dream Team!
We’ve assembled an expert team of community engagement, landscape architecture, restoration, and communications consultants to help guide the first phase of River Park planning.
Petaluma River Park group lands $1.4 million grant from the California State Coastal Conservancy
New funding gives Petaluma River Park a big boost, allowing its foundation to conduct outreach, design and environmental review.