news & events
Stay up to date on all things Petaluma River Park! From media coverage and news articles to updates, announcements, press releases, and park events, you can find it here.
For media questions or photo or video requests, please contact Seair Lorentz: // (415) 300-7358
Join us on a weekly walk every Tuesday morning to enjoy the 1.4-mile round-trip loop at the Petaluma River Park. All paces are welcome!
Join us on a weekly walk every Tuesday morning to enjoy the 1.4-mile round-trip loop at the Petaluma River Park. All paces are welcome!
Upcoming events
REad all about it
In response to the continued difficulties that local adolescents confront in the post-COVID era, the Healthy Petaluma District and Foundation has awarded a grant of $500,000 to support the well-being of youth and young people in southern Sonoma County.
The Bohemian Journal has featured rapper, poet, and educator Kayatta as a key figure in the North Bay's hip-hop scene as an alternate approach that focus on community engagement and exploring the benefits of viewing art as data.
The Community Voice Journal has shared that Healthy Petaluma Foundation awards $500,000 in youth and young adult well-being grants, being the Petaluma River Park Foundation one of them.
The Petaluma Argus-Courier highlights Bay Area rapper, poet, producer, and educator Kayatta as part of the Petaluma River Park project and her latest work, “Feels Like”.